Interoperable Europe Act
The Interoperable Europe Regulation, better known as “Interoperable Europe Act” (IEA), is a European Union legislative initiative aimed at facilitating cross-border data flows. It concerns data flows of all public entities at national and EU level when providing online services with a cross-border dimension. Indeed, increased interoperability makes digital public services more efficient, reducing administrative burdens for citizens, businesses and public officials in the European Union.
Cross-border data exchange
Trans-European digital public services can use cross-border data exchange to provide mutual recognition of academic qualifications, professional qualifications and vehicle data, among others. Since the availability and exchange of data underpins (digital) services, better exchange will also improve the services themselves.
Clear legal framework replaces informal arrangements
Until now, the exchange of data between European member states had a rather informal character. The Interoperable Europe Regulation provides a clear legal framework. In the context of the regulation, common interoperability solutions are also being developed that can be re-used at all administrative levels. In addition, the Interoperable Europe portal provides a unique access point to information related to interoperability. You will also find interoperability solutions that can be reused.
Interoperability Assessments
Organizational, semantic and technical barriers to cross-border interoperability will be detected through an interoperability assessment.
From Jan. 12, 2025, administrations providing online cross-border services that wish to decide on new or substantially modified binding requirements must conduct an interoperability assessment.Binding requirements include any obligations, prohibitions, conditions, criteria or restrictions of a legal, organizational, semantic or technical nature under a law, regulation, administrative provision, contract, tender or other official document.
Interoperable Europe Board (IEB)
In addition, a new Interoperable Europe Board is being established, which, together with the European Commission, will drive the further development of cross-border interoperability in the European Union.
The FPS BOSA serves as the national contact point for the Interoperable Europe Act, and also sits on the Interoperable Europe Board.
National Competent Authorities
At the Belgian level, a number of National Competent Authorities have been appointed to which public administrations can turn to with their questions regarding interoperability.
- Federal: FPS BOSA (
- Flanders: DigitaalVlaanderen (
- Brussels-Capital Region: Paradigm (
- Wallonia: SPW Digital (